Physiotherapy / Exercise after Heart Surgery

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Q1. Why it is needed?

A1.  After heart surgery, people may sometimes feel their body has become stiff and find discomfort in movement. This is truer for the elder population. However, the lack of body movement can significantly delay the recovery. There is evidence that cardiac rehabilitation reduces chances of death post-heart surgery by 20%, infection chances by 25% and improves working capacity by 35-30%.

Q2. When can I walk after heart surgery?

A2. Generally, it is our practice to encourage the patient to start walking from day 2 after surgery; and in case of minimal access surgery, from day 1 after surgery. Depending on the person’s physical well-being and capacity, walking is gradually increased. Usually by day 3-4 after surgery, the patient is freely moving about.

Q3. Can I climb stairs after heart surgery?

A3. Generally, once you are able to walk freely, the next step is climbing stairs. You can use the railings for support, but it is strongly discouraged to pull or push yourself using the railings (it will cause pain at the operation site if you do so). Start by climbing a few steps and see how you are doing. Gradually increase your exercise capacity (a few more steps each day as per your body’s ability).

Q4. When can I lift stuff after my heart surgery?

A4. It takes about 12 weeks or 3 months for the bone to heal after normal heart surgery. If minimal access is used, no bone is usually cut and healing and thereafter return to work is faster. In case of heart surgery through the breast bone, do not lift anything heavier than a bottle of water for 3 months. Also, avoid twisting of the body during this period. After that, you can gradually start lifting heavier stuff.

Q5. When can I return to work after heart surgery?

A5.  After heart surgery through the breast bone, heavy work can be undertaken after 12 weeks for a young person and after 16 weeks for an elderly person. After 6 weeks, light desk jobs can be started gradually if the person is able to sit comfortably for a few hours (or as long as the working hours are). In case of minimal access surgery, routine work can be started after 6-8 weeks. Always visit your surgeon for a check-up before deciding to resume work.

Q6. What exercises should I do after heart surgery?

A6. It is best if a cardiac rehabilitation trained physiotherapist’s help is availed during post-heart surgery recovery. Below are some exercises that may be done :

  1. Incentive Spirometry – You will be given a device where you need to either breathe in or breathe out to lift the balls. Your nursing team at the hospital will teach you this. Do this at home also (about 30-50 times a day).
  2. Deep breathing – take a deep breath through your nose, fill your chest, count till 2 or 3 in your head and release the breath through your mouth. Do this multiple times during the day. Always support your chest by either placing a soft pillow over your chest and supporting it with your hands or by wearing the chest binder and supporting it with your hands.
  3. Coughing – it is important to clear out your cough to avoid chest infection. Support your chest as advised above and cough out to clear your secretions.

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